søndag den 24. april 2011

Hair tips on how to grow hair LONG.

okay so I have thin hair and I don't like it. But it's not that thin, it's thin at the ends, but thick at the roots. My hair is right at my brest, and It's not that longs because I have waves/curls, and then it dosent look long at all. I love my curles and I try to make the best out of them, but curly hair needs to be long hair in my opinion. So I have done this before and then I stopped for a half year because.. I don't know.
I just think I stopped care and started my lazy period. But that's OVER now! hehe.

So here is some tips on how to take care of your hair:

1. Use Almond oil on your hair for 1 hourh before you go to shower and wash your hair. It's gonna get greasy buuut thats okay, because It helps! It made my hair a little shiney, it felt like that my hair strands like took all the oil in the hair and got fuller and thicker after a year of using it. And even my mom and EVERYBODY noticed my hair has changed in a good way, and people told me that my hair was thick now. And even though hair maybe can't get thicker, this really did! I promise.

2. Drink ALLOT of water to make it strong and healty, plus it will help with nails and skin. So it's a double bonus ;)

3. Trim your ends!! and I know this sounds stupid, but I trim my own ends. With taking some hair, twisting it and then you can see some hair while you are twisting and then you cut a little of. And if you din't understand what I meant, then just go to a salon every 4 month or let a family member take care of that.

4. Use produckt that dosent have alcohol in it. Shampoo I would use a olive oil shampoo (I once used it and it was amazing for my hair) If you have straigt hair you don't really need conditioner, but if you have flat hair then use a conditioner with volume in. If you have curly hair I would recomend a conditioner, olive oil or a moisurizing conditioner. If you don't wanna use conditioner then you could use a hairmask once a week.

5. Don't use any heat on your hair from blowdryer to flat iron, curly iron or hot rollers.
Just stay clean or make braids after the shower and take them out when your hair is dry.

That's all, I hope it is helpfull or you can always go and check out youtube videos.

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